
LCY TECHNOLOGY CORP. (hereinafter referred to as the company) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support. The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand stakeholders’suggestions. Therefore, the important issues that you feel concerned about can be presented in the report. Many thanks for spending your precious time to complete this questionnaire.

General manager:Caleb Lee

Stakeholder Concern Questionnaire of Corporate Sustainability Report

LCYT (hereinafter referred to as the company) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support. The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand stakeholders’ suggestions for our Corporate Sustainability Report so that important issues you feel concerned about can be presented in the report. Many thanks for spending your precious time to complete this questionnaire.

一、Please indicate which kind of stakeholder you are :

Local communities
Suppliers / Subcontractors

二、Please tick the box with the degree of your concern about the CSR issue.

Economic Aspect:

Issues Issue Explanations Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Economic Performance To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's operating costs, employee compensation and benefits, dividends and taxes expenses, risks and opportunities for the organization's activities due to climate change, and operational risk?
Current Market Conditions To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's benefit plan, financial assistance received from government, ratios of standard entry level wage, proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant locations of operation?
Indriect Economic Impact To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's investments on infrastructure developments, services supported, and the significant indirect economic impacts on the company?
Procurement Policy To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's policies , standards, and methods of selecting local suppliers?

Environmental Aspect:

Issues Issue Explanations Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Mterials To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's materials used by weight or volume, and the percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials?
Energy To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's energy consumption within and outside the organization, reductions of energy consumption, and reductions in energy requirements of products and services?
Water Resources To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's water management, significant impact on water sources affected by withdrawal of water, and water footprints?
Biodiversity To what degree do you feel concerned about the adjacent ecological environment affected by the company's operations?
Water Pollutaion and Waste To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's prevention and management of water pollution and waste?
Product and Service To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials and percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed?
Compliance with laws and regulations To what degree do you feel concerned about the monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations?
Transportation To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's significant environmental impacts of transporting products, materials, and members of the workforce for the organization's operations?
Environmental Expenditure To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's total environmental protection expenditures and investments?
Supplier Environmental (Impact) Assessment To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria, significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the supply chain, and actions taken?
Environmental Grievance Mechanisms To what degree do you feel concerned about the number of grievances about environmental impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms by the company?

Social Aspect (Labor practices and decent work):

Issues Issue Explanations Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Employment To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover?
Labor Relations To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's benefits provided to employees, return to work and retention rates after parental leave, and minimum notice periods regarding operational changes?
Industrial Safety and Health To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's prevention and management of accidents, injuries, and occupational diseasess?
Education and Training To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's training hours, programs for skills management, lifelong learning, retirement planning, performance appraisal, and career development?
Work Diversity & Equal Opportunity To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's work diversity and equal opportunity?
Pay Equity To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's pay equity policy?
Supplier's Labor Practices Assessment To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practices criteria, significant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in the supply chain, and actions taken?
nbspLabor Practice Grievance Mechanisms To what degree do you feel concerned about the number of grievances about labor practices filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms by the company?

Social Aspect (Human Rights):

Issues Issue Explanations Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Investments To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's total number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses and the total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, as well as the percentage of employees trained?
Discrimination To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken?
Industrial Safety and HealthFreedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's respect to the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining?
Child Labor To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's child labor avoidance policy of and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labor?
Forced or Compulsory Labor To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor?
Safety Measures To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's percentage of security personnel trained in the organization's human rights policies or procedures that are relevant to operations?
Rights of Indigenous Peoples To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples and actions taken?
Human Rights Assessments To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's total number and percentage of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments?
Suppliers Human Rights Assessment To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria, the actual and potential negative human rights impacts in the supply chain, and actions taken?
Human Rights Grievances Mechanisms To what degree do you feel concerned about grievances about human rights filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms by the company?

Social Aspect (Soecity):

Issues Issue Explanations Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Local Community To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's operations with implemented local community engagement?
Anti-Corruption To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's efforts for the issues of anti-corruption, anti-corruption education, counter-action, and bribery?
Political Contributions To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's issues of political contributions?
Anti-Competitive Behavior To what degree do you feel concerned about whether the company is involved in acts of unfair competition and about the issues of anti-trust and monopoly practices?
Compliance with Laws & Regulations To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations?
Supplier Assessment for Impacts on Society To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts on society, significant actual and potential negative impacts on society in the supply chain, and actions taken?
Society Grievance Mechanisms To what degree do you feel concerned about the number of grievances about impacts on society filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms by the company?

Social Aspect (Product Responsibility):

Issues Issue Explanations Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Custmoer Health and Safety To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's issues of customer health and safety?
Product and Service Information and Labeling To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's product safety standard, product credit, and quality reliability?
Marketing Communications To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's customer satisfaction and incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship?
Customer Privacy To what degree do you feel concerned about customers' substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data?
Compliance with Laws & Regulations To what degree do you feel concerned about the company's monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services?

 Communication Channels for Stakeholders

Communication Channels for Stakeholders


Issues for communication

Responding Dept.



Communication Channels


1.Salary and Welfare
2.Human rights and Labor relations
3.Training and Career Development
4.Occupational health and safety
5.Whistleblowing channel

Human Resources Dept.

All indirect personnel of either gender

1.Individual interview

1.Labor-Management meeting(quarterly)
2.Employee suggestion box(at all times)
3.Accusation reporters' mailbox (at all times)
4.Town hall meeting (occasional)


1.Industrial competitiveness
2.Performance of Enterprise
3.Corporate governance
4.Risk management
5.Information transparency

2.Stock service


1.Market Observation Post System(MOPS)
2.Investor forum
3.Company Website

1.Conduct a shareholder meetings(annual)
2.Disclosure of material information and financial information(according to regulations)
3.Corporate Earning Conference(annual)
4.Website of investor (occasional)
5.Contact spokenperson(at all times)


1.Sales service and price
2.Product quality
3.Delivery on time

Sales Dept.

1.Existing clients
2.Potential clients

4.Business appointment

2.Customer service email box(at all times)
3.Website of product(occasional)
4.Clients visits by Sales Dept.(occasional)


1.Supplier management
2.Regulation of purchase
3.Environmental purchasing
4.Payment method

Procurement Dept.


2.Document and on –site inspection
4.Business appointment

1.Surveys Form (annual)
2.Suppliers / Subcontractors audit (annual)and interviews(occasional)

Government and Competent authorities

1.Regulatory compliance and decree
2.Corporate governance and risk management
3.Environmental protection and contribution to the society

2.Finance Dept.
3.Production site

1.Relevant and Government agencies
2.Financial institutions

2.Corresponding business unit & office
3.Factory inspection

1.Offical letters(at all times)
2.Attending conference(occasional)
3.Public information(occasional)
4.Policy advocacy conference(occasional)


Environmental protection and contribution to the society

2.Production site

2.Residents near the facility

2.Visit in person

1.Media Pitch (occasional)
2.News release(occasional)
3.Website of News(occasional)
4.Website of Stakeholder(occasional)

Stakeholder Contact Information

Please Choose
  • Client(Sales Dept. Mrs. Kuo)
  • Supplie(Procurement Dept. Mrs. Huang)
  • Employee(Human Resource Dept. Ms. Yu)
  • Financial Institutions(Finance Dept. Mr. Lai)
  • Shareholder(Stock Service Ms. Yu)
  • Government and Competent authorities(Finance Dept. Mr. Lai/Production site Mr. Ho)

 Stakeholder Concern Questionnaire of Corporate Sustainability Report
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